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  • Writer's pictureJulia Evertson

Christmas Gift Guide 2019

Thanksgiving has come and gone and it is now, OFFICIALLY, Christmas time!!! 😍😭😍😭I've been bumpin' my Christmas music for a solid month now, and my Christmas decorations have been struttin' their stuff since the middle of November, but it is now officially Christmas and no one can deny it or get annoyed with my early celebrating. Okay, done being passive-aggressive now :) I LOVE shopping for Christmas gifts for other people. It is so fun finding something that fits them perfectly and watching them open it - it's seriously my favorite thing ever. BUT I also know the struggle of having no clue what to get someone (mostly boys. Specifically my boy, Alex. So please send me good gift ideas for your boyfriend please and thanks). But, I do think that I have gathered some good gift ideas that tailor more towards the women in your life, but obviously can be for anyone! These are all things that I either have and love, or would be thrilled to receive as a gift. So whether you're looking at this to get some inspiration for gifts to give or finding things to ask for yourself, I hope this post gets you in the Christmas feels and gives you some inspiration! ✨Enjoy!

Campfire Mugs

My mom LOVES these mugs because 1. They're so cute 2. They're functional because you can drink out of them, but 3. They can be used as decoration because they're so cute! This is a perfect gift for all the coffee drinkers in your life, and a bonus, every time they use it, they'll think of you. If you type "campfire mug" into the search bar on you will find dozens of different options, so you're sure to find the perfect mug.

Red It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Mug:

White Sweater Weather Mug:

White It is Well With My Soul Mug:

Green Merry and Bright Mug:

Fancy Glass Mugs

Continuing on this mug trend, these glass mugs are so dang cute and festive! Like seriously, look at those holiday drinks 😍 This is definitely the perfect gift for someone who loves to take aesthetically pleasing pictures because, again, look at those holiday drinks 😍 I found these on Amazon, but if you're not liking what you see, you can type "Irish Coffee Mug" in Google and similar options will show up!


And while you're all cozied up by the fire with your hot chocolate in your new campfire mug (😉), a book is a must-have. Self-help books have been all the rage for the past year, and rightfully so! This summer I read Rachel Hollis', Girl Wash Your Face, and I LOVED it. I'm not usually one to write in my books, but I underlined, highlighted, and circled allllll over this book because she just had so much powerful truth written in every page. So, 10/10 recommend that book. I haven't had a chance to read her second book, Girl Stop Apologizing, but if it's anything like the first one, it'll be a hit. I personally haven't read them, but I have seen the "You are a Badass" series everywhere, so take a look at them if you're thinking about gifting a book this year!

Rachel Hollis Girl, Wash Your Face:

Rachel Hollis Girl, Stop Apologizing:

Jen Sincero You are a Badass:


Along with the book trend, I think that journals are such a fun gift! I feel like it's one of those gifts that you don't necessarily ask for, but once you receive it, it turns out to be your favorite gift. I have seen this Five Minute Journal all over, and I think it is the perfect gift for someone who likes to write/journal, but doesn't know where to start. It also doesn't take much time (hence the title being Five Minute Journal). I believe that it promotes gratefulness and mental health and would make such a sweet gift. And for all the religious girlies in your life, devotional journals would make the perfect gift. It's basically a journal that guides you through writing with Bible verses. I've never used one, so I don't have any to recommend, but if you Google "devotional journals" soooo many options will pop up for you to choose from. Again, it's just such a sweet gift and the person who you gift it to will think of you when they use it.


And while you're all cozied up by the fire with your hot chocolate in your new campfire mug and your new self-help book/journal, (see what I did there? 😉) you can also be cozy in a new pair of slippers!! I personally love slippers and have worn the pair I was gifted for Christmas two years ago every single day (they really look like I've worn them every day for two years 😂). These are from Pottery Barn and just look so cute and cozy, and you can bet I would most definitely post a cute Instagram pic with these slippers on by the Christmas tree. They have a few different color options to choose from, andddd if you're feeling extra, they have matching robes that you could throw in too.

The Comfy

And if you know me, you know I live in my comfy. Like seriously how dope is this?! It's like a robe and a hoodie had a baby, and I can't think of a more perfect baby than that. Well, baby Jesus is probably more perfect, since it is Christmas ya know. But the comfy is a close second. Anyways...If you know someone who is always cold (like me) this is the PERFECT gift. It's also a little ridiculous, so it'll make them laugh too. I have the maroon one pictured above, but I also had to include a picture of this reindeer one because... I mean... it's just 😂😂😂.

Alex and Ani

I adore these Alex and Ani charm bracelets 😍. They make the perfect gift too as they have tons and tons of different charms to choose from (zodiac sign, sorority, animals, holidays, Harry Potter, you name it, they probably have a charm for it). They make the gift so personal and thoughtful. They have options for mother-daughter, sisters, and best friend bracelets, so it makes a really good group present! One year I got my mom a matching mother-daughter necklace which was perfect because she got her a cute necklace, but then I also got to have the cute matching necklace #winwinsituation. Another fun aspect of these bracelets is that it can become a tradition of gifting a new bracelet every year! These bracelets are so cute when they're stacked, so 10/10 recommend starting this tradition!

Making Spirits Bright Bracelet:

Personalized Jewelry Dish

I have one of these that sits on my bedside table and it is so convenient to set my everyday jewelry in it as I crawl into bed. First of all, it's just so cute, but you can personalize this one which makes it that much better! If you can't tell, I love personalization haha. If you want to give this but you're worried that they might already have one, I say go for it anyway! They can keep one by their bed, one by the sink in the bathroom, and even one by the kitchen sink if they want to take their rings/bracelets off before doing the dishes. It's a sweet yet functional gift!


This goes out to all the girls that love to travel. This is Shay Mitchell's new travel brand, and they have such stylish and chic luggage and bags. I've had my eye on this cosmetic bag for some time now as it's cute but functional (it has a specific toothbrush compartment ayeee). If I were to look like anyone else, I'd want to look like Shay Mitchell...just saying.

Nail Polish

I paint my nails every Sunday, so I would like to think that I know a thing or two about nail polish. This Essie Gel nail polish is seriously the best. I have such a problem with my nails chipping after two days, and once they chip, I pick and peel the polish off. BUT this polish has changed the game for me. It lasts around 5-6 days for me (which is a lot compared to the two days with other polish) and it applies so smoothly! If you don't see a color that you like, I would recommend buying the topcoat still! I use it on top of other brand nail polishes and I feel like it extends the life of my polish. Okay end rant on how much I love this stuff, but seriously, I love this stuff.

Car Coasters

My mom gifted me personalized car coasters last year, and I opened it and kind of laughed, like coasters in a car???? Who uses car coasters? BUT I LOVE THEM. Every time I look at them I smile. They're pink and have donuts and my name on them, so literally me in a coaster. They came in a pack of four and I only needed two of them, so I put the other two in Alex's pickup, and the fact that he has pink donut coasters in his manly pickup makes me laugh.

Jane Personalized Car Coasters:

Etsy Customizable Car Coasters:

Mini Waffle Maker

Well anything mini is already perfect, but a mini waffle maker?! Perfection. And it's only like $10 so even better! Pro-tip, buy the Pillsbury cinnamon rolls and throw them in this mini waffle maker for some bomb cinnamon waffles 😍

Pinch Me Therapy Dough

One of my friends got this for Christmas last year and it was so cool to me! I'm definitely that person who puts my hand out and touches every shirt on the rack as I walk by, so the idea of having grown-up play-doh that smells good and also relieves stress - sign me up! I feel like this gift is perfect for literally anyone! Life can be stressful, especially after the fun of the holidays and returning back to everyday life, so a little pinch me dough is a great tool to help you get through.

For the Girls

Honestly, I've never played this game, but man do I want to! I feel like it's basically Apples to Apples but for the girls (duh, that's literally what it's called). So get this and gather your rockin' girl group around for a night of games and cookie dough 😍

Disposable Camera

I love going through my family photo albums. Something about holding the photos in my hand makes me feel more connected to the memories. Plus, our generation loves to bring old things back, so disposable cameras would make a great gift!

And that's all I got for ya! I hope you found some inspiration and joy from this post! Thank you for reading 😘

Happy Holidays!!! 🎄❤️✨

Just Julia

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